
Profile Image Description
A medium-skinned Asian woman with a pixie cut wearing a gray shirt and round eyeglasses with black frames. Trees and other greenery are behind her.
Speaker Bio for Crystal Lee
Crystal Lee is a PhD candidate at MIT and a Senior Fellow in Responsible Computer Science at Mozilla. Her work investigates what she calls the “life-cycle of data representations,” or the process by which datasets are curated, cleaned, visualized, and circulated. In other words, she works on a wide scope of things: from the history of disability and human-computer interaction to theories about data visualization. This research has been supported by fellowships from the National Science Foundation, Social Science Research Council, and the MIT Programs for Digital Humanities. She is also a research affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard, where she co-lead the Ethical Tech Working Group. Previously, she has worked as a visiting research scientist at the European Commission and graduated with high honors from Stanford University.

UC Berkeley
Profile Image Description
A woman smiling with long curly brown hair, wearing a purple cardigan and large lavender earrings.
Speaker Bio for Lauren Chambers
Lauren Chambers is a Ph.D. student at the UC Berkeley School of Information. Advised by technology law expert Prof. Deirdre Mulligan, she studies the intersection of data, technology, and sociopolitical advocacy.
Previously Lauren was the staff technologist at the ACLU of Massachusetts, where she explored government data in order to inform citizens and lawmakers about the effects of legislation and political leadership on our civil liberties. Her projects included tracking the disparate effects of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations, analyzing policing budgets and practices, and advocating for regulation of government facial surveillance.
Lauren received her Bachelor's degree from Yale in 2017, where she double-majored in astrophysics and African American studies. Her undergraduate African American studies thesis, "A Different Kind of Dark Energy: Placing Race and Gender in Physics" examines how physics and astronomy theory and praxis are influenced by race, gender, and identity. After graduating, Lauren spent two years in Baltimore supporting NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope mission as a software developer.
Talks and Workshops

Speaker Bio for Hillel Arnold
Hillel Arnold is the Assistant Director for Digital Strategies at the Rockefeller Archive Center, where he leads the implementation of systems and processes facilitating broad and equitable access to and responsible preservation of archival records. Hillel has worked as an archivist at the Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, the Foundation for Landscape Studies and the Woody Guthrie Archives.
Workshop: Including and Unleashing Everyone: Facilitation with Liberating Structures

Speaker Bio for Laurie G. Arp
Laurie's professional interests focus on the intersection of collections, technology and people. As the Director of DuraSpace Community Supported Programs, Laurie supervises ArchivesSpace, CollectionSpace, DSpace, Fedora and VIVO, the community supported open-source programs housed at LYRASIS. Laurie supports governance, strategic planning and developing partnerships.
Talk: It Takes a Village (ITAV) – Developing Practical Tools for OSS Program Sustainability

University of Idaho
Profile Image Description
A headshot photograph of Devin Becker, a middle-aged white male with a mustache and goatee.
Speaker Bio for Devin Becker

Towson University
Profile Image Description
A white woman smiling. She has curly dark blonde hair and a glass necklace.
Speaker Bio for Julia Caffrey-Hill
Julia Caffrey-Hill is the Web Services Librarian at Cook Library of Towson University. She has a B.A. in Anthropology and Asian Studies from Bates College and received her M.S. in Library and Information Science from Simmons University. She specializes in digital inclusion, accessibility, and user experience. Julia enjoys coding (what else??), knitting, and spending time with her brand new son Sam, who arrived into the world January 2022.
Talk: Unlikely Allies of Textbook Affordability: Python, Bookstore Data, and a Discovery API
Oklahoma State University
Speaker Bio for Madison Chartier
Madison Chartier is the Metadata Librarian for Digital Resources and Discovery Services at the Oklahoma State University Library. Chartier has a master’s degree in Library Science from Indiana University Bloomington. https://experts.okstate.edu/madison.chartier
University of Illinois Chicago
Profile Image Description
Pale, smiling female; medium length blond hair; wearing light grey dress; darker gray background.
Speaker Bio for Randy Colon
Carnegie Mellon University
Speaker Bio for Julia Corrin
Julia Corrin is the University Archivist at Carnegie Mellon where she oversees physical and digital collections. She is also the project lead for the libraries' digital collections migration. She received her MSI from the University of Michigan and previously served as the Political Collections and Access Archivist at Arkansas State University.
Talk: How Do You Solve a Problem Like 375,000 Non-Standard Metadata Records?

Profile Image Description
Smiling female tech with glasses, hazel eyes, and shoulder-length blond-brown hair going gray.
Speaker Bio for Alicia Cozine
Workshop: Belt and Suspenders: Crafting Full Coverage Monitoring for Library Applications
Lehigh University
Speaker Bio for Christopher Creswell

Carnegie Mellon University
Profile Image Description
Brown haired woman in a blue jumper sitting in a tea cup.
Speaker Bio for Lina Crowe
Lina Crowe is the metadata specialist at Carnegie Mellon University.
Talk: How Do You Solve a Problem Like 375,000 Non-Standard Metadata Records?

Boise State University
Profile Image Description
Photograph of a pale white computer science professor against a brick background.
Speaker Bio for Steve Cutchin

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Profile Image Description
Cartoon avatar of a quite pale white bespectacled brunette geek girl whose open downturned mouth is adamantly advocating an important point or three. A bookcase is behind her.
Speaker Bio for Kate Deibel
Dr. Kate Deibel is a longstanding advocate for accessibility and usability in library technologies. She has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Washington but would much rather talk about web comics, chili peppers, her cat, technology adoption, and changing the world.
Southern Oregon University
Speaker Bio for Thomas Dodson
Thomas is an assistant professor and the Web and Discovery Librarian at Southern Oregon University. A writer, editor, and front-end web developer, he has expertise in interaction design, visual design, information architecture, and writing for the web. Before joining SOU, he served as the web developer and designer for the Harvard Library.
Talk: Ebooks and Accessibility

Stanford University
Speaker Bio for Naomi Dushay
Naomi Dushay is a software engineer at Stanford University Libraries, working on a team with Aaron Collier, Mike Giarlo and other Code4Lib notables. She has worked in the digital library field since 1990 (cough). Professionally, she is interested in improving discovery of assets, maintainability of code and providing quality assessments of metadata as early as possible in its lifecycle.

University of Georgia Law Library
Profile Image Description
White female with short light brown hair wearing green glasses, a gold necklace, and a beige cardigan smiles. A bookcase and old card catalog are behind her.
Speaker Bio for Rachel Evans
Rachel S. Evans first joined the staff at the University of Georgia as a web developer in the I.T. Services department in 2012. She currently serves as the metadata services and special collections librarian, ensuring the discoverability of library resources and maintaining library information platforms, including the online catalog. She also oversees the management of the archives and other special collections, including digitized materials in the school’s institutional repository.
Talk: Cracking the Communication Code: Tools and Strategies for Savvy Project Management

California State University, Los Angeles
Profile Image Description
Asian woman wearing red shirt and white sweater with long hair. Also wearing glasses.
Speaker Bio for Sheree Fu
Sheree Fu is the Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology Librarian at California State University, Los Angeles. She teaches graduate and undergraduate students information literacy skills. While her current research interests include information literacy, user research, space planning, accessibility, and algorithmic bias, she continuously explores how to encourage students to ask their own questions and take their next steps.

Stanford University
Profile Image Description
A white, freckle-faced male with blue eyes, chest-length curly dark brown hair, and a beard. He is wearing a grey henley shirt and standing in front of a light green wall.
Speaker Bio for Mike Giarlo
Mike Giarlo is a software engineer & technology strategist at Stanford University Libraries, working on a team designing and developing software for long-term access to the University’s research and cultural assets. His focus is on development and maintenance of the Stanford Digital Repository and collaboration with open source communities.

University of Illinois Chicago
Profile Image Description
White brunette woman wearing tortoiseshell glasses and gold earrings. She is outside and smiling.
Speaker Bio for Abigail Goben

University of California Berkeley
Profile Image Description
Four rowers in a crew boat at sunrise on the water.
Speaker Bio for Jackie Gosselar
Jackie Gosselar is a Systems and Discovery Services Librarian at the University of California Berkeley. Prior to UC Berkeley, they were an eResources Librarian at Livermore Public Library, where they served the public and framed access to information as fundamental to the collective good. They are interested in shaping projects that make space for all identities in an organization.
Talk: One Decision at a Time: Reimagining Decision-Making for Democratized Technology Projects
Speaker Bio for James Griffin III
Workshop: Belt and Suspenders: Crafting Full Coverage Monitoring for Library Applications
Indiana University
Speaker Bio for Suraj Gupta Gudla
Talk: Building a Portable Environment for Working with Restricted Library Collections

Speaker Bio for Jim Hahn
Jim Hahn is the Head of Metadata Research at the University of Pennsylvania Libraries leading linked data and metadata projects and research. Working collaboratively across the UPenn Libraries, his work is developing a vision for the services, technologies, and policies to enhance discovery of collections, following international standards and best practices for linked data and metadata.
Workshop: Getting the most out of Wikibase4Lib
University of La Verne

Loyola University Chicago
Profile Image Description
Subtle smile, medium length blond hair that does not match my current hair, sleeveless blue dress
Speaker Bio for Margaret Heller
Margaret Heller is Digital Services Librarian at Loyola University Chicago, where she works on front-end web development, digital collections, and scholarly communications. She currently serves as President-Elect of Core, a division of ALA. Her scholarly interests include library technology community success, women in library technology, and improving access to digital resources. She also writes frequent book reviews for Library Journal and chairs the ELUNA Primo Working Group. In her personal life she enjoys taking her kids on tiny adventures and is slowly learning to play the guitar.
Talk: The Fickle, the Federated, the Frustrating: Library Search Experiences
New York University
Speaker Bio for Laura Henze

Duke University Libraries
Profile Image Description
Person very short beard, short dark hear, light olive skin, smiling with teeth exposed, wearing a bow tie and white shirt with a mottled blue and gray background.
Speaker Bio for Jack Hill
Jack is on the Systems team at Duke University Libraries, and is passionate about Free and Open Source software, storage, and functional programming. GNU Guix is the first Free software project where Jack has contributed meaningful code. When not thinking about computers, he cares about Catholicism, amateur radio, fountain pens, and ultimate (frisbee).
Talk: Lib4Code: Keeping Archives Useful with Software Preservation
California Institute of Technology
Speaker Bio for Michael Hucka
Michael Hucka, Ph.D., has a background in computer science and cognitive science. He has been a Research Software Developer at the Caltech Library since 2018. Prior to that, he was a Staff Scientist in Computing and Mathematical Sciences at Caltech, and worked for many years on standards and software for systems biology and computational neuroscience.

University of California Berkeley
Profile Image Description
A picture of a gray manatee, where the manatee is tilted a bit to the left. The manatee is submerged in blue water that surrounds it and its flippers are pointed down towards its belly button.
Speaker Bio for Salwa Ismail
Salwa Ismail is the AUL for Digital Initiatives-Information Technology and the Associate CIO. Her current portfolio includes library-wide leadership for digital strategies including digital scholarship, data services, and programs, computing, innovative technology spaces, interface design, and infrastructure services following a user-centric, interoperable, service-oriented philosophy. She was listed by Ecampus News among “11 leaders shaping the future of higher education.
Talk: One Decision at a Time: Reimagining Decision-Making for Democratized Technology Projects

Speaker Bio for Esther Jackson
Esther Jackson is the Scholarly Communication Technologies Librarian at Columbia University. Esther also serves on the Code4Lib Conference Scholarship Committee, is an organizer of the Code4Lib NYC meetup group, and has been a member of the Wikiverse since 2016 as an editor, organizer, workshop leader, and a member of various boards and projects, most recently the Wikimedia Foundation Community Fund for North America.
Workshop: Getting the most out of Wikibase4Lib

West Virginia University
Profile Image Description
Smiling person with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes wearing a black shirt with a bright floral print and the iconic and ever-ubiquitous archivist attire: a grey cardigan. The background is a generic beige concrete wall.
Speaker Bio for Elizabeth James
Elizabeth D. James is a Digital Archivist at the West Virginia Regional History Center at West Virginia University. Her research interests include using cultural heritage metadata as data for teaching, discovery, and research; non-traditional forms of engagement with digital archival materials and scalable approaches to digital preservation and repository management for small and medium size institutions.
Talk: Using Metadata as Data for Enhanced Discovery and Access of Digital Archival Collections

University of La Verne
Profile Image Description
Asian woman with black hair and glasses smiling.
Speaker Bio for Amy Jiang
Amy Jiang holds an MLS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, MS in Computer Science from Southeastern University, BA of English Translation and Interpretation from Tianjin Foreign Studies University in China. She is the Head of Emerging Technologies and Digital Initiatives at the Wilson Library at the University of La Verne. (2012 to present) where she serves as ILS system administrator, founding director for the Wilson library makerspace. Amy has worked at Northwestern University as Digital Resources and Emerging Technology Librarian from 2004-2012.

BookOps / New York Public Library
Profile Image Description
Bearded white man wearing tortoiseshell glasses. He has fear in his eyes that a full bookshelf behind him is not enough to distract from his impostor syndrome.
Speaker Bio for Tomasz Kalata
Tomasz Kalata is the Metadata Manager in the Cataloging Department at BookOps, the shared technical services collaboration of New York Public Library and Brooklyn Public Library. He is responsible for development of cataloging applications, especially related to automation in cataloging work. Before joining BookOps in 2013 as a cataloger, he was a Senior Cataloger at Brooklyn Public Library.

Profile Image Description
A black man with a forced smile, grin. Short hair with a blue and white striped shirt. Background has out of focus trees and shrubbery.
Speaker Bio for Francis Kayiwa
Workshop: Belt and Suspenders: Crafting Full Coverage Monitoring for Library Applications

University of Michigan
Profile Image Description
A headshot photo of Bohyun Kim with a blank wall as the background.
Speaker Bio for Bohyun Kim
Bohyun Kim is Associate University Librarian for Library Information Technology at the University of Michigan Library. She is the author of three books, Moving Forward with Digital Disruption (ALA TechSource, 2020), The Library Mobile Experience: Practices and User Expectations (ALA TechSource, 2013), and Understanding Gamification (ALA TechSource, 2015). She has published many articles and given numerous invited/peer-reviewed presentations on a variety of topics related to library technologies and their impact on libraries.
Talk: The Fickle, the Federated, the Frustrating: Library Search Experiences

Profile Image Description
A smiling white woman with a round face, purple glasses and short, curly, purple-tipped hair. She is outdoors and there are leaves in the background.
Speaker Bio for Heather Greer Klein
Heather Greer Klein is the Samvera Community Manager. She has worked in many roles supporting open source and consortial library communities. Heather has an MLIS from Simmons University and a Certificate in Training & Development from NC State University.
Talk: Confident and Ready: Developing a Code of Conduct Incident Response Plan

Indiana University
Profile Image Description
Photo of a white middle-aged female with short hair. The background is a whiteboard.
Speaker Bio for Inna Kouper
Inna Kouper is a research scientist at the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University Bloomington. She studies emerging technologies and data practices and works on projects that advance open science and data sharing.
Talk: Building a Portable Environment for Working with Restricted Library Collections
Speaker Bio for Ilya Kreymer
Talk: Web archives in digital repositories: Simple integration and reducing software maintenance footprint

Speaker Bio for Axa Liauw
Axa Liauw is a user experience designer at UCLA Library who works with students, faculty, and staff to make digital products usable, enjoyable, and accessible. With over a decade of professional experience in academic libraries, including Princeton University and Wayne State University, Axas expertise spans user experience design, web development, and instruction. Axa is a Certified Professional in Web Accessibility, a certification provided by the International Association of Accessibility Professionals. She believes that equal access to information for all people is a core value in librarianship. As a user experience designer in the library, she is committed to working towards an inclusive web as equity, diversity, and inclusion are central to the promotion and practice of intellectual freedom.
Workshop: Introduction to Figma
Oklahoma State University
Speaker Bio for Megan Macken
Megan Macken is the Assistant Director, Digital Resources and Discovery Services, and the liaison for art, art history, and graphic design at the Oklahoma State University Library. Macken has master’s degrees in Library Science and the History of Art from Indiana University. https://experts.okstate.edu/megan.macken

University of Minnesota
Profile Image Description
caricature of person with yellow hair & glasses, wearing green turtleneck.
Speaker Bio for Karen Majewicz
Karen manages the Big Ten Academic Alliance Geoportal and serves as the GeoBlacklight Community Coordinator. Her research interests include the promotion of free & open data and archives for geospatial data. When she is not wrangling metadata, she composes & performs music to silent films.
Talk: How we keep a small open-source community afloat: reflections on GeoBlacklight

Stanford University Libraries
Profile Image Description
Black and white image of a person towards the right of the frame wearing glasses and sideswept bangs looking downward. There are leaves on the far left of the frame.
Speaker Bio for M.A. Matienzo
M.A. Matienzo is an archivist, technologist, and ambient musician. Their work for Stanford University Libraries includes serving as the project lead for Lighting the Way, an IMLS National Forum Grant focused on improving archival discovery and delivery, and managing a portfolio of digital library discovery and access services and systems. They received a MSI from the University of Michigan School of Information and a BA in Philosophy from the College of Wooster, and was the 2012 recipient of the Mark A. Greene Emerging Leader Award from the Society of American Archivists. They reside on the unceded ancestral lands of the Duwamish People past and present, who are still actively working for federal recognition.
Workshop: Including and Unleashing Everyone: Facilitation with Liberating Structures

Profile Image Description
Timothy Ryan Mendenhall photographed at the Social Sciences and Engineering Library, Columbia University, New York.
Speaker Bio for Timothy Ryan Mendenhall
Timothy Ryan Mendenhall has worked as Metadata Librarian at Columbia University Libraries since 2018. He is also active as a convener of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) Sinopia Cataloging Affinity Group and as a convener of the LD4 Wikibase Working Hour.
Workshop: Getting the most out of Wikibase4Lib
Lehigh University

Profile Image Description
A 2-bit, pixelated rendition of Eric drawn on a computer more than thirty years ago.
Speaker Bio for Eric Morgan
Eric Morgan is a librarian who works in the Navari Family Center for Digital Scholarship (University of Notre Dame) where he provides text mining and natural language processing for students, researchers, and scholars. He has been practicing librarianship for more than thirty years, mostly in higher education. He has been writing software longer than that. In his spare time he enjoys binding his books, rowing his boat, and playing his guitar.
North Carolina State University Libraries
Speaker Bio for Niqui O'Neill
Talk: Replacing traditional storage of structured information with GitHub and Jekyll

Profile Image Description
A line drawing of a curly-haired, goateed, bespectacled, poorly-shaven gentleman in a t-shirt, cuddling a perplexed-looking white and orange cat in his arms; squiggles and stars emanate from the gentleman's head. The background is a rainbow gradient.
Speaker Bio for Andreas Orphanides
Andreas Orphanides is Associate Head, User Experience at the NC State University Libraries. His work focuses on developing high-quality, thoughtfully designed solutions to support teaching, learning, and information discovery. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Oberlin College, a Master of Science in Library Science from UNC-Chapel Hill, and a Master of Computer Science from NC State University. His professional interests include human factors, systems analysis, and design ethics. Outside of work, he has too many cats.
Workshop: Fail4Lib X

University at Albany
Profile Image Description
Alyssa Panetta (she/her/hers) smiling with colorful background.
Speaker Bio for Alyssa Panetta
Alyssa Panetta has been designing and developing websites by hand since Y2K. She has worked freelance, for educational mathematics software companies and is currently Web Designer/Developer (unicorn) for the University Libraries, University at Albany. After a diagnosis of brain cancer in 2020 and subsequent treatment, Alyssa started a website where she writes letters to her removed tumor that is preserved in a tumor research bank: deartalula.com.
Talk: Living the UX: When a Web Developer develops a disability

New York University
Profile Image Description
A round-ish male-presenting person, blue eyes, extremely short haircut, wearing black wayfarer-style horn-rimmed glasses, a black fleece and purple t-shirt, no appreciable facial hair.
Speaker Bio for Joe Pawletko
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Speaker Bio for Kim Pham
Kim Pham is the Research Technology Officer at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. Working in Research IT group, she is involved in facilitating digital humanities projects and working on the digital research infrastructure with the Library.
Talk: [Cancelled] - Building a Central Knowledge Graph for Digital Humanities Research Data

California College of the Arts
Profile Image Description
Smiling white man with a mustache, beard, and receding hairline who is wearing a striped collared shirt.
Speaker Bio for Eric Phetteplace
Eric manages a library website, Koha catalog, digital archive, Moodle LMS, Panopto, & other systems. He holds a B.A.S. in English and Mathematics from Stanford University and a Master's of Library & Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His professional interests include web design, automating complex workflows, using APIs to integrate disparate systems, and user experience.
Talk: The Fickle, the Federated, the Frustrating: Library Search Experiences

Chapman University
Profile Image Description
Image of a female librarian with black hair and brown eyes.
Speaker Bio for Shalini Ramachandran
Dr. Shalini Ramachandran was a Science & Engineering librarian at the University of Southern California (USC) where she taught information literacy to science and engineering students, including computer science students. She is currently a Faculty Liaison at Boise State University's Office of Research Development. She has conducted research on computer science students' perceptions of algorithm bias and presented on the topic at the 2019 ALA Midwinter Meeting.
Northeastern University

University of Calgary
Profile Image Description
An androgynous white woman with a subtle smile, asymmetrical light brown hair shaved on the left side, wearing a dark red shirt with a white pattern and grey/black vest. The background blurred.
Speaker Bio for Ingrid Reiche
Ingrid Reiche is the Digital Metadata Librarian at the University of Calgary. Her work focuses on digital collections, providing metadata consultation for research projects. She has recently been been working on the system migration for the digital asset management system. Ingrid enjoys living in Calgary and being outdoors.
Talk: Opportunities and constraints using artificial intelligence in metadata creation: A case study
Northeastern University
Speaker Bio for Amy Ruskin
Amy Ruskin is the Data Engineer for the Digital Scholarship Group at Northeastern University. She has a Master's degree in Information Studies from McGill University and a background in computer science and statistics.
Talk: Wikidata vs. custom Wikibases: Community history case studies
Speaker Bio for Bess Sadler
Workshop: Belt and Suspenders: Crafting Full Coverage Monitoring for Library Applications
Digital Research Alliance of Canada
Speaker Bio for Kelly Stathis
Kelly Stathis is the Discovery and Metadata Coordinator with the Digital Research Alliance of Canada’s research data management team. Kelly advances discovery and metadata initiatives for the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR), provides technical support for the DataCite Canada Consortium, and works with several RDM expert and working groups, including the Discovery and Metadata Expert Group, the Data Repositories Expert Group, and the FRDR Discovery Redesign Working Group. Kelly holds a BS in Computer Science and a BMus in Music Composition from Washington University in St. Louis, and a MLIS from the University of British Columbia.
Talk: The FAST and the FRDR: A story of automated metadata reconciliation

Stanford University
Speaker Bio for Ed Summers
Ed is interested in techniques and practices for helping make the web more sustainable and durable over time.
Talk: Web archives in digital repositories: Simple integration and reducing software maintenance footprint
Speaker Bio for Michelle Suranofsky
Iowa State University
Speaker Bio for Wesley Teal
Wesley Teal is a Metadata Librarian at Iowa State University.
University of Georgia Law Library
Speaker Bio for Jason Tubinis
Jason Tubinis joined the staff of the University of Georgia Alexander Campbell King Law Library in fall 2010. In his role as Information Technology librarian, Tubinis is responsible for researching and implementing new library and legal education technologies, and troubleshooting software and hardware problems for the library’s various systems. He leads the library's Systems and Instruction teams and serves on the law school's I.T. committees. Tubinis also teaches 1L Legal Research as well as Research & Technology Skills for the Georgia Lawyer.
Talk: Cracking the Communication Code: Tools and Strategies for Savvy Project Management

McGill University
Profile Image Description
A brunette white woman is standing in front of a bookshelf. She is wearing black glasses, a red shirt layered with a beige cardigan. She is smiling at the camera.
Speaker Bio for Clara Turp
Clara Turp is a discovery systems librarian at McGill University Libraries. As part of Digital Initiatives, she is involved in managing, configuring, and integrating selected library systems, including, but not limited to the Library's Discovery layers.
Talk: The FAST and the FRDR: A story of automated metadata reconciliation
New York University
Speaker Bio for Deb Verhoff

Profile Image Description
Late 20s freckled white woman attempting a professional "smize," depicted from the shoulders up in black and white against an empty wall of her studio.
Speaker Bio for Dianne Weinthal
Dianne Weinthal is a user experience designer at UCLA Library and 2020 graduate of the UCLA MLIS program. With a background in art history, she focuses her work on image as artwork, as visual resource, and as digital information. She also conducts visual design experiments for Civic Software Foundation and leads the grant-funded initiative "Artist Book as Record" at Los Angeles Contemporary Archive.
Workshop: Introduction to Figma
Temple University
Speaker Bio for Alex Wermer-Colan
Dr. Alex Wermer-Colan works as a Digital Scholarship Coordinator at Temple University Libraries’ Loretta C. Duckworth Scholars Studio. Alex leads workshops on computational methods of interpretation, while offering consultations, and developing research projects.
Talk: Building a Portable Environment for Working with Restricted Library Collections

University of Idaho
Profile Image Description
brown-haired woman with bangs, smiling, wearing a blue shirt and standing outdoors.
Speaker Bio for Olivia Wikle

University of Idaho
Profile Image Description
smiling man with long brown hair and glasses in plaid shirt.
Speaker Bio for Evan Peter Williamson
Despite a background in Art History, Classical Studies, and Archives, he always manages to get involved in all things digital--especially websites, digitization, and digital preservation. At the library he works with Data & Digital Services to bring cool projects, enlightening workshops, and innovative services to life.